Conference Launch on 22 April 2021

The EPFIME project partners are pleased to invite you to the Final Conference ‘Making mobility programmes more inclusive for students with disabilities’, that will be held online on 22 April 2021, 09:30-13:00 CET.

" Much of the information on the foreign exchange programmes is given via public talks without captioning, interpreters or video recordings, and questions are generally taken verbally or over the phone, which is inaccessible to me as a deaf person.

EPFIME respondent - Students

The conference is part of the two-years EPFIME project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the call “KA3: Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms”, focusing specifically on the mobility of students with disabilities. The online surveys gathered 1.134 responses from students with disabilities, 114 higher education institutions and 23 ministries of Education across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). On the 9th of November 2020, the EPFIME research report and good practice booklet with recommendations were launched during a webinar 'Making mobility programmes more inclusive for students with disabilities' with an audience of more than 690 participants, hosted by the Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) and the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training.

During the final conference, participants will have the opportunity to get introduced to the platform and specific tools to support Ministries of Education, National Agencies and higher education institutions to install a sustainable inclusive mobility strategy at national and institutional level. A panel of guest speakers will also discuss the project results and bring a broader perspective to the topic of Inclusive Mobility.

New features of

  • Institutional pages where national agencies, Ministries of Education and higher education institutions can easily register their measures and support services on the topic of inclusive mobility.
  • Framework, self-assessment tool and guidelines supporting higher education institutions, national agencies, and ministries of education to assess the inclusiveness of their institutional policies and practices on the topic of international mobility and to provide them with feedback and advice for further improvement.


09:30-09:40 | Welcome and introduction

Magalie Soenen - Project Coordinator & Policy Advisor Higher Education - Flemish Ministry of Education and Training

09:40-10:10 | The EPFIME project and its activities and outcomes

Valérie Van Hees | Project Manager & Coordinator - Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education

Dominique Montagnese | Inclusive Mobility Expert - Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education

10:15-10:45 | | Register your institutional information

Erasmus Student Network

10:45-11:00 Health Break

11:00-11:30 | Framework - Self-assessment - Toolbox

Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education

11:30-12.00 | Guidelines

Association for Higher Education Access and Disability - Irish Universities Association

12:00-12.10 | Short break

12:10-12.50| Plenary Panel and QA

  • Nadia Manzoni | Policy officer, European Commission DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
  • Els Titeca | Counselor on Higher Education, Internationalisation and Europe, Cabinet Minister Ben Weyts, responsible for Education, Sport, Animal Welfare and Flemish Periphery, Flemish Government
  • Valérie Van Hees | Project manager & Coordinator, Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education
  • Anthony Reyers | Communication Alumni KU Leuven | Student perspective

Moderated by Magalie Soenen | Project Coordinator & Policy Advisor Higher Education - Flemish Ministry of Education and Training

12:50 - 13:00 | Concluding remarks and closing

Magalie Soenen | Project coordinator & Policy Advisor Higher Education - Flemish Ministry of Education and Training

Bio of speakers

Register now

Register to join the online event by 20 April 2021 at 11:00 Central European Time (CET)

The language is English. International Sign Language and live captioning will be provided.

Check #InclusiveMobility on Twitter for the latest updates.


The project Establishing a thought-out Policy Framework for Inclusive Mobility across Europe (EPFIME) is delivered by the Ministry of Education and Training (Flemish Community/Belgium) and the Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education in Flanders (SIHO), in cooperation with the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD) in Ireland, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and the Irish Universities Association (IUA).
