Open call mobility testimonies

Share your mobility experience by participating in 2 minutes videos 

The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training and the Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) are coordinating two European inclusive mobility projects (EPFIME, PLAR-4-SIMP). In these projects, SIHO and the Erasmus Student Network are developing resources for the online platform

The platform gathers all relevant information for national authorities, higher education institutions, national agencies and students on the topic of inclusive mobility. The platform will also include a communication toolbox with interesting resources and video testimonials of students that went abroad. The communication package will be launched on 5 April 2022.

We are now looking for students to share their mobility experience in 2 minutes videos: how was your experience, did you receive grants and support to cover access needs, what are your tips and tricks. In order to pass the ‘mobility for all’ message, we are specifically looking for testimonies from working students, students with a migration or refugee background, a study grant, students with care responsibilities, LGBTQ, ...

The 2 minutes videos will be produced by a professional movie maker in a corona proof setting (period March-April 2022). The videos will be shared with a broad audience and posted on So this is an unique chance to promote the benefits of studying abroad and encourage other students to do so.

Interested? Please contact Valérie Van Hees, coordinator SIHO, as soon as possible to express your interest and motivation - - 0474 39 18 38.