

Dictanote lets you switch between your keyboard and your voice to make notes. You can format your notes and download them as PDF or Word files. The program supports speech-to-text in over forty different languages, and also includes functionalities such as voice commands. This allows you to have your device perform actions based on certain words, such as "go to the next line."

For whom and why

Dictanote is useful for all students, but especially for students with dyslexia or other writing difficulties and for students with a visual or motor disability.

How does it work

Dictanote works after installing a web extension. The various functionalities of Dictanote are explained through this "getting started guide".


Dictanote is a free to use web extension. Dictanote Pro is available via a monthly subscription, using the pro version of Dictanote lets you, for example, automatically transcribe audio files.


Dictanote can read texts in more than forty languages, including English.

Type and platform

Dictanote is a web extension for computers and laptops, via Google Chrome and Firefox. 

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  • Learning
  • Living


  • Laptop/PC
  • MacOs
  • Windows