

  • Windows | StayFocusd is a Google Chrome extension that promotes concentration.
  • MacOs | For Mac users, there is the similar SelfControl extension in Safari. Mac users can also install Google Chrome and use StayFocusd.

For whom and why

StayFocusd can be useful for all students. The extension ensures that users are productive and less distracted by certain websites, such as e.g. social media.

How does it work

  • Time limit | You set a time limit for using a particular site. Once the limit is reached, the website is blocked until the next day. To bypass security, you need to perform an unpleasant task.
  • Nuclear Option | The 'Nuclear Option' feature blocks the entire browser.
  • Whitelist | By using a whitelist you can block all external websites except those on the whitelist.


Using StayFocusd is free of charge.


StayFocusd is available in English.

Type and platform

StayFocusd is a Google Chrome extension, available through the Google Chrome Browser.StayFocusd is available in English.

More information?


  • Learning


  • Laptop/PC
  • MacOs
  • Windows