Reasonable Adjustments

To achieve inclusive education, higher education institutions in Flanders uses a dual track policy today. Through universal design they work on the development of an inclusive education system that meets the diversity of the student population, and by providing reasonable adjustments, thresholds for students with disabilities are neutralized.

The purpose of reasonable adjustments for any student is to provide an equal opportunity to learn by ensuring access to the learning environment and course content and an equal opportunity to demonstrate his/her acquired competences and skills. Frequently recommended or granted adjustments are for example the use of assistive software, the possibility to leave a class earlier, or extended testing time to complete a written exam.

Each situation is considered to be unique and can require different solutions. Individual accommodations are therefore always customized to the needs of each individual student and granted in mutual agreement with the specific institution for higher education.

Every institution for higher education has a specific contact person for students with disabilities. Within their institution they are responsible for the guidance and assistance of (both local and international) students with disabilities.

During an assessment interview with you, the contact person for students with disabilities will inventory the obstacles that arise within the educational context as a direct result of the disability. This assessment interview can be facilitated by filling in the support inventory you find on the website before departure and sending it to the contact person in advance or taking it with you for the assessment. The contact person will also walk you through the specific learning goals and final competences of the chosen study program. An adjustment can never be in contradiction with the learning goals or have an impact on the final competences.

In case you, as an international student are also in need of any academic adjustments or support services, you need to have your disability registered at your host institution. For this registration, your host institution will adopt the registration from your home country/institution. In order to handle this registration smoothly, please take your student file (containing the (medical) information that demonstrates disability) from your home country with you to the assessment interview with the contact person.